
It's President Obama, actually.

In a few weeks it will be both my 20th birthday and the end of year one of the Obama Presidency.

I read something really interesting from the New York Times today.

And it has really stuck with me. Indeed, I've been thinking a lot about Obama the past few weeks.

He's going to come down on the left, if political constraints weren't involved. But, at the first sign of political trouble, he is eager to compromise. I'm not someone necessarily opposed to compromising, but there are two issues I take with how President Obama has handled it.

First. You need to recognize that, let's face it, the Republicans are really, really, really not going to support your policies and initiatives simply because they are your own. They talk about how they want to re-do the Health Care bill and work together from scratch. That is complete bullshit. They have no desire to work on any sort of actual health care reform, and are certainly not going to vote for any bill the President supports. That is a fact.

In that case, it then becomes, 'stop compromising!' Recognize that they aren't going to support you at all. They just want to drag you and your initiatives to the right.

Second. Like I said before, while I am not always opposed to compromising, there are some things where, for gods sake, stand up and take a stand on something! You are the god damn President of the United States, elected with 53% of the vote. You have amazing communication skills. Use them. Stop looking like a complete wimp. Go on National Television and tell the American people this is what you are doing, why it is good for them, and call out the bastards obstructing it. Drag Joe Lieberman into a back room and play hardball. Bring out the LBJ playbook. If Senators ever, ever, want to see something good for their state again, they had better vote for this bill.

I don't care if it isn't pretty. Show some cojones.

Whew. Rant. Sorry. But it needed to be said.


This Winter in Baseball, Part 1

In this series of posts I'll be tackling some offseason moves I've found interesting. I'll do a few transactions at a time, and in a few days I'll get to the Giants and A's, and how they look going into 2010.
So...here we go.

In a three team deal, the Yankees sent prospects to both Arizona and Detroit in exchange for Curtis Granderson. The Tigers recieved CF prospect Austin Jackson from NY, and RHP Max Scherzer and LHP Daniel Schlereth from Arizona. They then sent P Edwin Jackson to Arizona.

Arizona sent the two young pitchers (Scherzer is the obvious key to the deal) in exchange for Jackson from Detroit and RHP Ian Kennedy, a former first round pick out of USC I believe, from New York.

Essentially, the Yankees filled their center field hole with Granderson in exchange for a pitcher (Kennedy) who will end up at the back of a rotation, and a medium-level prospect (Jackson).

The Tigers sent Jackson, who has been overrated for, like, ever, in exchange for a younger, cheaper, and probably better pitcher in Scherzer. They got a cheaper hopeful replacement for Granderson in Jackson. They also got two lefty relievers, hard throwing Schlereth from Arizona, and LHP Phil Coke from the Yankees. They could have perhaps gotten more for Granderson, but did well to get value from the very fungible Jackson.

However, and this is important, they are also counting on Scherzer to stay healthy and remain in the rotation. Scherzer could become apart of, along with Justin Verlander and Rick Porcello, a trio of young and hard throwing right handed hurlers to front the Tigers rotation for the 2010s. But he needs to stay healthy, as we'll see in a second.

The team that this deal doesn't make sense for is Arizona. They sent Scherzer and a solid prospect to the Tigers in exchange for Jackson and Kennedy. Jackson has been around forever, and will be a free agent after 2011. More importantly, while showing flashes of brilliance, he has also had years of pointlessness. Kennedy, oft injured, is a strike thrower, without overpowering stuff. While I can appreciate someone who lacks the 'stuff' of an ace, but throws strikes nonetheless, Kennedy is no star. Scherzer will be better than both, and more importantly, will be under club control for much longer than Jackson.

Commentators have pointed out that perhaps Arizona thinks Scherzer will become a reliever. If this is true, it certainly makes more sense. However, I definitely think they shipped upside for two pitchers that certainly are not sure things. As I pointed out earlier, Jackson put up a 5.76 ERA and 88 walks just three years earlier for Tampa Bay.

In short, the Yankees got a good-if-not-great player in Granderson (who was certainly an upgrade on what they had) in exchange for two solid-if-not-spectacular prospects.

The Tigers received one of those prospects, a pair of lefty relievers, and also got the best player in the deal, Scherzer, in exchange for Granderson and an inconsistent Jackson.

The D-Backs shipped two young pitchers away in exchange for one pitcher nearing free agency and another who threw just 24 innings in all of 2009.

You make the call.


What is the point..

Of having blue dogs, etc, in the Democratic Party? If they refuse to vote with the Democrats on the Stimulus, on Cap and Trade, on Health Care, on Financial Regulation, and on the Jobs bill, then tell me, please, what is the point in having them in the Democratic fold? They are not democrats. If they vote with the Republican party on these issues they aren't Democrats. And we shouldn't treat them as such.

People say, 'well, there are conservative Democrats, and don't we need a broad and moderate coalition to attract voters? That is what these Congressman are doing.' I disagree. These congressman won elections in 2006 and 2008 as Democrats because those were RUNAWAY elections for the Democratic Party. We should not reward them with the Democratic nomination and Democratic label if they then hamstring the Democratic party at key times. The Democrats are trying to do something about American problems. The Democrats are trying to fix health care, and the environment. Republicans have nearly unanimously opposed all of these. The Democratic party should not be running candidates that claim to be Democrats to get elected, but then vote against every piece of crucial legislation.

I understand the argument that they are running in conservative districts, but again, I don't see this as an excuse. Many of these conservative districts would be the biggest beneficiaries of health care reform. In essence, these Democrats need to support a health care bill that would TRULY help their constituents, and then see that reflected in public opinion/support.

And I'll get to the Senate. And Benedict Joe.


So here is the deal...for the rest of break, every day, I will be blogging. So check back!
And here is the 'Exhilaration' posting.

A few days ago I gave a semi-lecture to Eliot Schain's Psychology class, a class I myself took just two years ago.

We discussed college at first, and then moved on to deeper subjects. I talked to them about resisting unjust authority, resisting the easy path of apathy, and resisting the urge to blindly follow something that may not be true or right.

I have to say, it was very exciting. Yes, I was nervous beforehand. Yes, I had talked to fellow/younger students before, whether it be prospective AP Government students or Seniors curious about college. I had not, however, been given an open slate, a clean agenda with which to work and present my own ideas. I had never created my own lesson plan. I was nervous about keeping these kids entertained. I was nervous about how to avoid talking down to them, seeming above them. Because, as I emphasized, I was just like them. I haven't been gone from Alhambra for long. BUT, I have experienced the joys of higher education and life outside Martinez, and I wanted desperately to show them down that path as well.

These kids have a choice. They can confront the world, form their own opinions, and do the little things to improve our planet, improve our society as a whole. But it's up to them. They need to choose. They need to decide whether to give back to their community, and show compassion to others, and confront global problems like climate change and poverty and conflict. Or they can simply sit on their couches, watch Nascar, enjoy the friday night Bulldog football games, drive their hummers, raise more children destined to never leave Martinez, and drink a lot of Bud-light. To me, that is what makes Martinez fail. Too much of that, and only that.

Anyway, I don't know if I'll become a teacher. But I have to say it was a lot of fun, and I got a very positive response, certainly more positive than I expected. Thanks Schain!


Thoughts, 9/3/09

I'm currently watching Andy Roddick take the lead in the third set at the US Open. This after an hour plus of going through a bunch of old crap from my garage to give away.

Honestly, I'm very surprised at Andy Roddick's improvement and indeed, career turnaround. I was always a guy that of course was awed by his seeming effortless skill and power, yet criticized him for his quite pathetic mental game. He had such monster skill, really second only to Federer, but he consistently lost the mental battle, and thus, the match.

Regrettably, I missed the Federer/Roddick epic at Wimbledon (I was working). And I very much regret that. But I'm very excited looking ahead to see if Roddick can build upon his improvements.  That also is my problem with James Blake: a guy who has a lot of skill, and gets built up, but fails to succeed consistently. 


Anthony Woods and CA-10

Yesterday, I voted for the first time in my new congressional district.

As my permanent residence is not longer in Martinez, George Miller is no longer my congressman. 

And as Ellen Taucher, the Representative of my new district, the 10th, resigned to take a spot at the State Department I believe, a special election was commissioned to fill the seat. The Primary was yesterday, filled with a large amount of Democrats in a Democrat-heavy district.

The district itself is heavily gerrymandered, ranging from Danville all the way north and east to the outskirts of Sacramento. (But somehow bypassing Martinez, which maintains a little pocket for the 7th District to reside in)

Before last night, the only poll I'd seen on the race was one commissioned by Garamendi, which unsurprisingly had him winning. I didn't trust the poll very much. My instincts told me DeSaulnier would win, as I figured Democrats in the area would appreciate that DeSaulnier already represents most of the district in the State Senate, and would disapprove of the fact that not only does Garamendi not live in the district, but he also lied about it. 

My household had gotten quite a bit of mail and phone messages from the Garamendi campaign, and more specifically from Al Gore and Bill Clinton. Obviously this is because Garemendi spent time as Secretary of the Interior for Clinton. 

Anyway, Garamendi won the primary, and now will face Harmer (forget the first name) in the General in November. I always thought Harmer's signs were funny as they read, "Harmer for Congress. No More Bailouts!" While I agree that the bailout sucked, basically Harmer was/is trying to push himself as a fiscal conservative, which I find funny because, btw, the stimulus worked. 

I wasn't a big fan of Garamendi, specifically because, although I didn't grow up in the 10th district, it is a district partially in the Bay Area, and currently my permanent residence, and thus I would like someone who actually lives in my district to represent me. Of course it isn't illegal to live outside the district, but it seemed douchy to me. I think Garamendi should have run in his own district, the 3rd, against a right-wing Republican. (Again, I guess those two terms are kind of redundant in our current political climate)

While I wouldn't have been unhappy with Desulnier, I instead voted for Anthony Woods. Woods is a 28 year old black man who was born on Travis Air-force Base and grew up in a single-parent household. He went to West Point, and served two tours in Iraq. Then, it was decided he should teach at West Point, so he went to the JFK school of Government at Harvard. However, last year, he came out, and thus was DADT'd (Don't Ask, Don't Tell..'d)

Should he have started out smaller? Probably, but seriously guys, watch him. I'm very excited for the future, and hopefully his next venture into politics results in a victory. 


The Politics of Health Insurance

Obviously Democrats need to pass a health care reform bill. They've dominated two consecutive elections, and they have made health care a big priority, and to fail at this big priority would effectively tell the country that Democrats fail at getting things done. Not that the Republicans would do it any better, of course.

And, also just as obvious, Republicans need health care to fail. Why would a Republican support a health care bill? Well, obviously it would be good for his/her constituents, but since when did they really care about that more than special interest money? Tactically, they need it to fail, because if it passes even semi-intact it will show the nation that Democrats are more serious than Republicans about fixing the country, and are better at it.

So the Democrats are finally waking up and realizing, 'oh, shit, Republicans aren't going to support a health care bill!' It only took them 8 months. They wanted it to be 'bipartisan.' They wanted to 'compromise.' Republicans didn't give a shit about any of that stuff. They weren't interested in working together for health care reform. They just wanted, and used, every opportunity possible to water down the bill, and water down support. 

Let me just say this: I'm not overly optimistic about Obama passing a health care reform bill. They've lost a lot of public support, (although these stupid ass old white people at town hall meetings are quite small in number) and Obama hasn't defined the debate on his terms. Rather, he's let the GOP do the defining, and he's losing the debate because of it. 

Moving on...I just read on the front page of the SF Chronicle that the Republican National Committee sent out a survey to all registered republicans, and included a question that read..."It has been suggested that the government could use voter registration to determine a person's political affiliation, prompting fears that GOP voters might be discriminated against for medical treatment in a Democrat imposed health care rationing system. Does this possibility concern you?"

Are you serious? Talk about misinformation. I mean, jesus. They really told registered Republicans that they would be discriminated against and given less care because they were Republicans if a health care reform bill was to pass. Its simply garbage, and yet the GOP uses it, and it works. 

Health care is such a tricky subject, and I really think it comes down to greed. People might be socially liberal or progressive, but they don't want others to be able to get health care if they can't afford it. I had a very long discussion with a socially liberal/economically conservative friend who made an argument that she simply didn't want to pay for others to have health care. Even when I told her that it would save us money long term, she didn't want to help people without health insurance acquire the kind of care she gets. 

Now...I have great health coverage. I have never had to pay a co-pay or anything when I go to kaiser. Any and all of my appointments are free, and I never have to pay for a prescription. Would I be willing to sacrifice some of that to help others acquire coverage? Yes, I would. But thats the exception, not the rule. 

I hear arguments about how we shouldn't help people gain coverage if they don't have it, because they 'must have fucked up' somehow. People aren't stupid if they don't have health coverage. People aren't rejects of society because they don't have health coverage. Honest, hard-working, employed, everyday Americans don't have health coverage. And that is unacceptable. 

To relate this to the title, we need to stop making health care a political issue. Health care should not be somewhere for stupid capitalists to make money and screw people. The Government should make sure that each and every one of its citizens receives good and inexpensive coverage. That is its responsibility, and they have disregarded that responsibility for too long.


August 30, 2009. I'm going to UPDATE MORE

Alright everyone-here's the plan.

I'm going to update this blog EVERY DAY for as long as I can...so if you can send me some feedback that will help encourage me to regularly post.

So here we go.

Its August 30th, and the San Francisco Giants have joined Colorado atop the National League Wild Card after sweeping three straight games from the visiting Rockies. 

Somehow the Giants are still in the hunt.

They have only one regular with an OPS over .800 (Pablo Sandoval, duh, at a hearty .953)
Where would they be if he had produced as just a regular old rookie? 

Ishikawa's been terrible, (though slightly better as of late) Winn has been terrible, and Renteria has been a disaster. 

Trading deadline pickup Freddy Sanchez is on the DL, and has only batted 59 times since being traded by Pittsburgh for 20 year old prospect Tim Alderson. Ignore the fact that he is hitting .304. Instead focus on the fact that he is hurt, overpaid, slugging just .375, and was traded for a very good prospect. Great deal, Brian.

Sabean's other deadline pickup was Ryan Garko from the Indians. Brought in because Travis Ishikawa, well, sucks, Garko has hit a most robust .232/.292/.354 since being brought over.

Yes, Juan Uribe has provided some pop at second, and while Nate Schierholtz should most definitely be receiving at-bats, he is receiving them at the expense of the wrong player. Fred Lewis should be starting in left, not Randy Winn. Why? Because Randy Winn absolutely SUCKS. Fred Lewis has an OPS (remember, On Base Percentage + Slugging Percentage, a much more valuable statistic than Batting Average) 80 points higher than Randy Winn.

Randy Winn has hit just two homers all season. In 516 at-bats! From a corner outfielder! I'll say again, yes, Brian Sabean is an f'ing moron for not signing Adam Dunn to play left field and Orlando Hudson to play second, but moving on past those decisions, you at least have to play your best hitter at the position where one of your best hitters belongs. (And no, Eugenio Velez, with his .709 OPS, adequate only on the Giants, and terrible defense, is NOT one of your best hitters)

Baseball Prospectus broke down the remaining Giants schedule...and it doesn't look pretty. 15 of their remaining 31 games come against contenders, while the Rockies must only face contenders twice, three game sets with the Dodgers and Cardinals. 

And lets face it, the Rockies are truly a better team. Yes, they don't have the front three that the Giants possess, (especially now that it looks like, hopefully, Barry Zito can be counted on to win games) but they do possess a deeper rotation and an infinitely better lineup. Pablo Sandoval is the only Giants regular truly better than his Rockies counterpart. The Giants do have a better bullpen, yes, but that is the least important of the three. 

I hope the Giants pull it out, but forgetting 'momentum' (which get wayyyyy too much credit), the Rockies are much better positioned to pull out the wild card.


Woeful Offenses Don't Win Wild Cards

And if the San Francisco Giants' offense is anything, its woeful.

For the first time in San Francisco's post Barry Bonds era, they have a chance to play in October. 

I picked them to finish third in the Division, ahead of San Diego and Colorado, and behind Los Angeles and Arizona. If we switched Colorado and Arizona, this prediction might yet well hold true in September.

Unless....The Giants move to improve their offense.

As I discussed in March and April, the Giants pitching is excellent. Lincecum and Cain have been deadly, Zito has been much better (1.38 whip) than his 5-10 record would indicate, and Jonathan Sanchez has shown flashes of brilliance. 

The bullpen has been a solid if unheralded crew, led by Jeremy Affeldt, Brian Wilson, and Justin Miller. 

The staff leads the majors in ERA, WHIP, strikeouts, and strikeouts per nine innings.

BUT Lincecum, Cain, and the bullpen will fall back to earth. They have been too spectacular to keep their current pace up. 

Ryan Sadowski will not continue to be heaven sent.

Randy Johnson will need to come back from the DL ready to pitch. Jonathan Sanchez will need to find some consistency. Barry Zito will need to start winning ballgames. They also need to continue to get quality bullpen work.

But how does this 50-41 team, fighting desperately for the wild card, get to the playoffs?

By scrapping at least two of the lineup regulars that they currently employ.

Brian Sabean doesn't have to do much math, and he doesn't have to look very hard.

He is getting only quality lineup production from Aaron Rowand and Pablo Sandoval. Thus, he has six other lineup spots where he could, somewhat easily, make a trade to improve. 

Sabean could, yes, improve his lineup at both outfield corners, and every infield spot save third-base and give his team the boost of offense it needs to see October.

In a short series, the Lincecum-Cain-Johnson trio would be one of the most feared...but they won't get the chance if they can't start scoring runs now.

So far, the Giants are last in the Majors in on-base percentage and walks, and near the bottom in runs scored, OPS, and extra-base hits. 

San Fran's catcher, Bengie Molina, has walked five times all season. 
First-bagger Travis Ishikawa is hitting just .263/.316/.419, helping to make SF First-basemen 23rd in OPS (On-base plus slugging percentage) and 29th in extra base hits. 

Snagging Nick Johnson (.305/.416/.424 in 321 at-bats) would give the Giants an actual hitter for the position where your best hitter should be.

Cleveland's C/1B Victor Martinez (.286/.365/.486) would upgrade either position.

Lyle Overbay of the Jays or Aubrey Huff of the O's would help the lineup.

Scrapping the appalling Edgar Renteria in favor of a shortstop who could get on base OR play defense OR hit for power, like Oakland's Orlando Cabrera, Washington's Christian Guzman, and Cleveland's Johnny Peralta, respectively, would eliminate another lineup hole.

And finally, acquiring a corner outfielder that hits like a corner outfielder, and not like, say, Fred Lewis, Randy Winn, or any of the quartet of men they have run out there this season, would provide the Giants the power needed to avoid finishing 29th in the Majors in home-runs. 

Potential acquisitions? Try Matt Holliday of the A's or Jermaine Dye of the White Sox (depending on if they become buyers or sellers).

Two final points to wrap up.

First. The Giants do need to make sure that they don't sacrifice the key cogs of their future, namely future Ace Madison Bumgarner and his Matt Cain, Tim Alderson. The Giant's #1 pick in 2008, and the 5th overall, Catcher Buster Posey, just skipped AA after dominating the California League, and is poised to take over for the horrendous Molina next spring.

Prospects like these must not be touched. The Giants have depth, and that is what they must deal from.

They must protect their top youngsters, which is what rebuilding teams will covet. Do not pull the trigger on a Lincecum for Alexis Rios-like deal.

And finally, although it would be easy to sit pat, to rely on the 'chemistry' justification, they must in fact do something to improve their squad. 4.1 runs per game, a half run below the major league average, is not going to cut it.

Second...Colorado has gone crazy since Jim Tracy took over, and is poised for a wild card run. They lie just a half game back of SF.
Luckily, they might not have the pitching to hold up down the stretch, but their offense and defense is above average, and their rotation is respectable. A trade for one or two bullpen and/or rotation arms could give them the edge.

Chicago, Milwaukee, and St. Louis all have problems. One will win the division, my guess being the Cardinals, while the other two will battle for the Wild Card. St. Louis has made moves to upgrade where they needed help, and their rotation is excellent. They also have that one hitter, gosh-darn, I forget his name.

The Cubs have stumbled badly, and need their offense to pick up to respectability if they want a shot at the wild card.

They do, however, have Aramis Ramirez returning from an injury, and it makes statistical sense that last year's Rookie of the Year Geovany Soto, who hit .285/.364/.504 with 23 homers will improve on his current .230/.336/.396 'performance.' 

The Brewers lack the rotation to compete down the stretch, unless GM Doug Melvin makes another Sabathia-sized deal.

In the east, the Braves and Marlins are hoping to make a run, though, again, both offenses remain ineffective.

So...to conclude, finally, Colorado is the biggest threat, with Chicago, Atlanta, and company also threatening. 

To protect their precarious playoff berth, GM Brian Sabean must be creative and thrifty, while also making a significant acquisition to ensure his team reaches October. 

(500) Days of Summer

Romantic comedies nowadays just about always consist of a pretty boy-usually Patrick Dempsey, Ryan Reynolds, or Zac Efron-falling heads over heels for, breaking up with, and then living happily after in the company of their dame-usually Jennifer Aniston, Katherine Heigl, or Kate Hudson. 

It is a formula, tried and true, but also tired and unimaginative. 

These films usually employ pathetic puns as titles and utilize cliched jokes. 

The enemy of their protagonist is evil, simple minded, and easily routed.

The plot line is simple, and the latter part of the film seems to function on auto-pilot.

500 Days of Summer doesn't play by these rules. 

Its protagonist, Tom Hanson, is believable in his role, which is perhaps the most crucial element of his character's success. Tom, played by Joseph Gordon-Levitt, is boyish, optimistic, and genuinely funny. He writes greeting cards for a living, and always seems to be wearing a skinny tie. (This is perhaps the part of the film that tries too hard to be 'indie')

Meanwhile, the object of Tom's attraction, Summer, is played by Zooey Deschanel, a woman who doesn't believe love exists, and absolutely does not want to be 'held down' by a relationship. 

The goal of the film is not about getting the viewer from beginning to end. Its about showing how the characters got there. Perhaps its method of presenting the day is a tad distracting, but it serves its purpose. Right off the bat the viewer is told how their relationship ends, it's day 488. The film then, in a non-linear, unconventional, and wholly creative style, explains how Summer and Tom meet, how they interact, and how they effect one another. 

We identify with Tom, with his elation and depression. But we also don't hate Summer. She is honest with Tom, and she's too intelligent, funny, cute, and strong to hate. 

The movie has memorable scenes, absorbing characters, and, wait for it, truly funny lines. 

Summer and Tom just view the world differently. (Explained through how they interpret the meaning of "The Graduate").

Its soundtrack engages the viewer from beginning to finish, as does director Marc Webb's alternative methods. 

In short, it is the best movie of its genre, and one of the best movies, period, that I have seen in quite a while.


Fridayyyy, and some music

Well last night I got confirmed to the External Affairs Commission. So that was exciting. 

And today...I'm cleaning my room up a little, chilling, and waiting for Kate and Bethany. Happy times.

I have a few song updates...

1. Jesus the Mexican Boy by Iron Wine.
Sam Beam just does these freakin' metaphorical songs that are wonderful and confusing. So check it out.
2. Tambourine by The Happy Hollows.
I got this off of I think it was like noisetrade.com or something...I've talked about it on here in the past. So yeah, I like it...but live its not as good...or at least in this youtube one. But on noisetrade you can download it for free...
3. Be Still My Heart by The Postal Service
Come out with more damn CDs !!!

I cannot believe I'm moving out of my dorm in 6 days. Its...crazy.

Eva and Becky needed some muscle (do not laugh!) upstairs moving some stuff around...and when I got up there they had totally dismantled their once awesome room. So it makes me sad. Hopefully I can get a pic up here of what it used to look like.

Anyway, happy friday.




So if you look at the picture of me in the top of this blog...well lets just say that my hair is quite short.

And that is what most of you are used to.

WELLL...my hair is getting quite long (for me, for me people). Perhaps I'll post some recent pics soon.

I cannot believe that I have 3, count em, 3 classes left for this year. And then I will be done with my first year in college. That is...just crazy. 

And thennnn I have finals tuesday/wednesday/thursday...and I move the rest of my stuff home in my beautiful 'new' car, a 1986 blue Toyota Camry. As some of you may know, my old car was an '89 white Camry...so I've got some experience with those guys. (Pics soon)

To finish up...I just watched a movie I've been hearing about for nearly 2 years, Fanboys. Set in 1998, its about a group of friends that set out across the country to steal a copy of Star Wars, Episode 1 from the Lucas Ranch in California. Well...the movie was alright. It certainly had its moments, and I loved a lot of the Star Wars references, as well as the Star Trek subplot. I guess the biggest problem was that the movie had been so hyped for so long I had some unrealistic expectations that failed to be met. Anyway, I'd still recommend checking it out.

And p.s...coming out in a few weeks is Year One, with Jack Black and Michael Cera. As Lauren nearly cried at the preview last night, it should be something worth seeing.



Good lord...Music of the Month??!?!?

I cannot believe it has been over ONE MONTH since I posted last.

Please all forgive me. I was deathly sick for about two weeks, and otherwise I've just been consumed with activities and homework and friends.

But this afternoon I'm seriously coming back and blogging my heart out (and indeed, over the next few days as well). 

Here is a short little "Music of the Month" to get some people caught up on what I've been listening to.

1. I Try by Ben Taylor---It sounds so familiar, and I guess its a cover...but I really like his version.

2. All My Days by Alexi Murdoch..seen the new Jim from the Office movie coming out? Well this is the song. This and Orange Sky are two great ones from Murdoch. 

3. No Other Way by Jack Johnson. Seriously...I guess its May time that just brings me back around to JJ. Because, honestly, I haven't been crazed about him that much this year. Rather I've been discovering all this other music.

4. Upward Over the Mountain by Iron and Wine. It is just consistently awesome...and has that great line...'so may the sunrise bring hope where it was once forgotten.'

5. Bridge Over Troubled Water by Simon and Garfunkel. Yes, I will try to get more original next time, but this is a classic, and thus it comes in at the end of my reboot of the blog.


Goodnight, and good luck: World Commentary

So...what is the deal with Iran and like, the rest of the world?

We are also discussing this in my Pol 3, International Relations class. For that class, our big-ass paper is on whether or not we think Iran should be allowed to develop nuclear weapons. 
My answer...a resounding "NO!"

IMO...we simply should stop, whenever and wherever we can, any and all nuclear development. (And that includes our own)
Especially Iranian nuclear development. 

Kudos to Obama for actually wanting to negotiate with this nation. That is how you get things done, peacefully. Simply hating them just leads to more hate, and more violence...and if we continue to act as we have for the past eight years, we are simply HELPING build a whole new generation of people that want to kill us. 

So, we do need to negotiate. We need to try to work things out between our nations. Thank god Bush is gone from the hot seat. 

However, and its a big however, Iran still is pretty crazy.
They arrest this woman on charges of spying for the United States. This, simply, is unacceptable. Yes, I understand that we have arrested many of their citizens, and many of those have been without just cause. And I also feel that that is unacceptable. But we need to get this woman out. We cannot allow her to suffer at the hands of this regime.

While I agree that yes, we need to have better ties with Iran, we certainly don't need to be their friend. (And that same holds true with Saudi Arabia.)
What is this deal with the Iranian President in front of all these other countries? Spewing hatred and venom at Israel, at the West, at everybody. I have a friend in my dorm who speaks the language, and she told me that, well...the translation we were hearing wasn't totally accurate. The translators....cleaned up the language a little bit. How can he say these things and then asked to be taken seriously?

Four months ago, I would have been a hypocrite for saying such a thing, as we had a similar leader in office. Luckily, America, we've cleaned up our act in this recent election.

We need to negotiate with these nations, and have better ties with them, if only to avoid bloody violence. But we do not need to accept their actions. Once we have done more to fix our moral credibility internationally, we will be able to say and do more. And we must say and do more.

Saudi Arabia is just as terrible as Iran, and yet they are considered a 'friend.' Not ok. They beat women, they hate women. The religious police has control, complete control. The royal family has complete control. Both nations are not good, and while I do agree that we need to have a better and different relationship with them then we have had, we need to do more. 

That is our moral responsibility.

So, everyone, goodnight, and good luck. 


A New Birth of Freedom

Well. I'm not even sure where or how to begin this.

A few things have happened recently regarding gays that I want to talk about.

First. This whole "A Storm is Gathering" nonsense actually makes me laugh. I mean, seriously...'a rainbow coalition of people of every creed and color are coming together in love?"

I mean, its ridiculous. The only message it serves is that "homophobic activism is ever more depopulated and isolated as well as brain dead." (Plus, its totally racist...I love that the hispanic man can barely say his four english words...and they get away with this.)

It just is stupid and disgusting to see people like this. In four states we now have equal rights for gays, and the homophobia is going to mount. I don't understand how people can get away with this. When you see these people, you need to stand up to them. Be gentle if possible...but if they are obnoxious and hateful, well, then stand up and verbally kick the shit out of them. People like Dr. Laura cannot call homosexuality a "biological error" and get away with it. (Even if now she has "improved.") 
Be more intelligent, be more articulate, and be tougher than them. 
On picnic day I had a conversation with a UC Davis third year about her opposition to gay marriage. She said it whittled down to...wait for it...the bible. She couldn't get over a point I was making that the church and religion should have nothing to do with these decisions. "We cannot be run by the Christian bible."
But, she responded, "We're a Christian nation."
"But we don't have a national religion. No religion can impose its values on others."
But, she responded, "We're a Christian nation."

The argument ended up about women's roles. I told her that she is telling gay people that their relationships, and their lives, matter less than heterosexual's. "Traditional marriage" does not exist anymore. Traditional marriage consists of whites marrying whites, and women acting as slaves for their husbands. 

She then said that her future husband, and all husbands, should have the final say in decisions. Her opinion was not as important as his.
At that point, I simply turned and walked away. Here it was, where a WOMAN was arguing that men should be in control..and a MAN was arguing that, maybe, just maybe, women were not subject to their husbands.

You cannot reason with that. 

I've been told off, and criticized harshly for responding very bluntly to prop 8...a vote that I simply consider to be one made in favor of homophobia. 

I'm sorry, but you don't win by backing down. It has been asserted that "being kind, and gentle with the opposition will bring them over to our side." 

No. Sorry, but no. I'm not going to convince the right-wing homophobes to change position. But by being tough and forceful we can swing the middle...and thats how we win.

So. For fun, call or mail the National Organization for Marriage at (609) 688-0450 or send mail to the

National Organization for Marriage
20 Nassau Street, Suite 242
Princeton, NJ 08542

And tell them how you feel about them. 

It is HELLZA hot

Look above


Music of the Week: Am I ridiculously joyous right now or what?

As promised, more love.

1. Trapeze Swinger by Iron and Wine
And here begins the parade of Iron and Wine songs through this weeks music. Perhaps I'm just really depressed over not being able to see them in SF, as both shows are already sold out, or perhaps I just really like them. Or both. Anyway, to get this song, I went to subpop.com, found Iron and Wine, and downloaded the song. If you can't figure it out, I suggest you avoid this blog.
2. Upward Over the Mountain by Iron and Wine
And thus continues the parade. Perhaps it is this line "So may the sunrise bring hope where it once was forgotten..." that forces me to enjoy this song.
3. If I Had Eyes by Jack Johnson
Yes, it was a slightly disappointing cd by JJ. It lacked that Bubble Toes, or Flake, or Taylor, or Sitting, Waiting, Wishing. It lacked that truly awesome upbeat and happy love song. "If I Had Eyes" was supposed to be that albums song. Unfortunately, it doesn't quite make it to the level of those JJ favorites...but it is quite the solid song in its own right.
4. Spaceman by The Killers
You cannot hate it. Yes, they are a little crazy and wild, but they continue to produce new and creative things. 
5. Casimir Pulaski Day by Sufjan Stevens
I, stupidly, did not listen to this song for several weeks. That is over. Eva Rendle, bless your hippie heart. 
6. Jezebel by Iron and Wine 
Again, an Eva Rendle to Brendan discovery transfer. The beauty, oh the beauty.
7. Promising Light by Iron and Wine
Another back to back Iron and Wine decision. This lovely song by Sam Beam is making its MOTW debut...so enjoy.
8. Do You Remember by Jack Johnson
No, it is not fall...but Davis is the cycling town...so the bike references to have quite the relevance (And Davis and SB are both UCs..) 
9. Bookends by Simon and Garfunkel
The melody is simply, beautiful. I wish the song was longer. 
10. Orange Sky by Alexi Murdoch
Hmm...another song about a warm, orange sun. Springtime in Davis. 
11. Other Side of the World by KT Tunstall
Its a little older, but still a goodie. 

ANYway. Enjoy. 

Lets play BIG TIME catch up: Part 3

Wow. It has been 13 days since I last blogged. 
And for that I am truly sorry. A lot of stuff's been going on. Last week I was SUPER sick. It was quite awful. And then this weekend, obviously, was Picnic Day, (more on that later though) so suffice it to say that I have had other things on my mind.

Lets recap.

I grew out a really bad-ass beard from almost three weeks. Yes, some people argued I looked Amish. Some even argued I looked bad. Most argued I looked A LOT older. (like I needed that)
Anyway, the beard is now gone. 
Last thursday the Sereno Serenogades won our first IM soccer match of the spring season...and we are looking to dominate some beazies now...every thursday night. 

Friday was the first day in Davis it was TRULY hot. Michael and I played a few hours of pick up soccer and then headed down to Jamba...beautiful weather. (mark the date, 4/17) ...and guess what, it is not going to stop being hot until like, October. Oh snap. 

I went downtown with JR, Mickey, Alex, and Stacey for some Sushi...my first ever...and the experience was pretty epic, I have to admit. (Though I'm very disappointed freakin gelato was closed when we got there for desert.)

I decided that I needed to purchase my yearly string of progressive/liberal/awesome shirts on cafepress.com . So...I've narrowed the options down to 8 or 9...and I'm taking volunteers to help me choose...so hit me up if you are interested. KK has already helped narrow it down...but I need a few others to vote or something on the final chioces (You know the qualifications...liberal, awesome, and blunt).

And I'm going to wrap this up quickly. Saturday was picnic day, and lemme tell you, it was pretty epic. Music, events, Woodstocks, friends, Battle of the Bands...Picnic Day '09 rocked. 

Alright...I'll have some more later.


Lets play catch up: Part 2

Hola everyone. (I know, I'm totally a big fat gringo, so what am I doing saying hello in spanish?)

Answer: I have no idea.

Well, its raining in Davis. And bloody freakin cold.

Also, I'm trying to be an IM Soccer Ref this quarter. So I could reallyyyyyyy really use that job. I've already spent like 8 hours at clinics and stuff over the past 2-3 days, and tonight is the last one, so lets hope that I get this job. 

I also am considering rushing the fraternity Sigma Chi, thanks to a few brothers that are urging me down that road. I'm not really sure. Most (if not all) people would definitely NOT peg me as a brother...in fact, most would say that my charm (haha) lies in the fact that I try to avoid the mainstream. (Don't laugh. lol) Um, so we'll see.

I also am considering applying for an internship at one of my favorite websites, baseball prospectus . But, the letter of inquiry is due tomorrow, and I really don't have any idea of what to write about. So.....I'm not sure.

And, yeah, I'm in class a lot this quarter. So, it looks like these next 9 weeks are shaping up to be some busy ones.


Music of the Week: Ah hell, its raining outside.

Good afternoon friends. It is raining in Davis, and I got...wait for it...SOAKED. Ugh.

Anyway, here is my music of the week.

1. The Wrestler by Bruce Springsteen
When I was home last my mom asked me to buy this for her on itunes, (because she still can't figure out how to use the damn thing) and I was like...oh shit, this IS a good song. (Even though I never did see The Wrestler).
I used to enjoy the song, but only started to once again when I watched the trailer for one of two movies that I have not stopped thinking about over the past few days...Before Sunrise and Before Sunset. I will be blogging on these movies very, very soon.
3. Daniel's Song by the Finches
Yes, it keeps moving back up. Its just a great freakin song. Can we all agree on that already?
4. Orange Sky by Alexi Murdoch
I had heard this song somewhere, once before. But then during the ER finale, they played a preview for this new show, Southland, only like a million times, and this song was in it. Soooo...there you go.
5. New Slang by the Shins
Wasn't this the song that as Sam in Garden State said, "will change your life." ??
6. Nothing Better by The Postal Service
Will someone please call the surgeon already? Peter Benton anyone? (To ER fans)
7. Sodom, South Georgia by Iron and Wine
YES...it is returning. When I need a slow, soothing song, this is something I can always turn to.
8. Clark Gable by The Postal Service
And when I need a faster, but still smart and graceful song, this is something I can always turn to.
9. Sound of Silence by Simon and Garfunkel
I opted for this live version because they slowed the song down a little bit, and that is probably what really makes me love the song. 
10. Fair by Remy Zero
I had some trouble finding a legit video for this...so this one will have to do. I guess perhaps I'm in a Garden State mood today?
11. Bluebird of Happiness by Mojave 3
Hayley is the only person I will share with where I got this song...because we both used to watch this show. Everyone else, just enjoy the melody.


On the Road to October: NL Predictions

It's opening day! Thank goodness. Here are my thoughts on how the National League is going to turn out, with a one line summary explaining each choice. Enjoy!

National League East: 
1. NY Mets: Done deal, they have Wright, Reyes, and Beltran leading the offense, and a much improved bullpen helps their key '07 and '08 weakness.
2. Phillies: Cole Hamels will NOT throw that many innings again, and lets remember, relievers are fungible, so lets assume Brad Lidge will not be as brilliant. Also, 3 years and 30 million for Raul Ibanez is better than 2 years and 14 million for Pat Burrell? Hell no. 
3. Braves: They are going to be close to the Phillies, very close. They've improved, yes. But seriously, Jeff Francoeur. Get bloody rid of him. 
4. Marlins: Screw that management. All they think about is money. 
5. Nationals. Long, long road ahead.

1. Cubs: No-one else is close. What remains to be seen is if they can play in October. I guess playing important games down the stretch is more crucial than skipping to the finish line.
2. Brewers: Yes, they lost Ben Sheets and, that one guy, I think he went back east or something? But they still have a great, and YOUNG, hitting corps. They just won't be anywhere close to the playoffs.
3. Cardinals: No.
4. Reds: Everyone is talking about this great young pitching corps...and I don't see it. They are still the same Reds, in that they do not have pitching. (Besides Volquez) 
5. Astros: Pathetic team, pathetic system.
6. Pirates: See above.

1. Dodgers: Great offense, acceptable pitching.
2. D-Backs: Great young hitters, and with Webb/Haren atop the rotation, look for the wildcard.
3. Giants: See my last baseball post. If they had added a pair of hitters, such as Adam Dunn at first and Pat Burrell or Bobby Abreu at a corner, they could of competed.
4. Rockies: Traded Matt Holliday for, nothing all that valuable.
5. Padres: A sad state of affairs. Trade Peavy already. 


Of Courage Undaunted: The Five People I'll Meet....sometime.

The title of this post stems from two areas. First, I'm going to talk about five people that have previously roamed this earth and have strongly influenced me. This draws on the book "The Five People You Meet in Heaven." Seeing as I don't believe in god, or heaven, I can only hope that I'll unite, emotionally and spiritually, with them in the future. Second, "Of courage undaunted" is the beginning of a fantastic single sentence description of Meriwether Lewis by Thomas Jefferson. It also describes how I view these men's lives.

I understand that I have only met one of these people, but that doesn't mean that those I have not met have influenced me any less, just differently. 

1. Robert F. Kennedy. 
By far, a better man than his older brother. And also, the man who should have been President. Looking back through history, I'm not sure if anyone deserves that title more than RFK. He was tough, yes. He was ruthless, and bullying, yes. But was he also compassionate, empathetic, kind, and good? Yes. That is the kind of politician we, still, lack.

2. Abraham Lincoln. 
Lincoln did suspend Habeas Corpus, and didn't necessarily have emancipation at heart when he confronted the Confederacy. But he was also the most brilliant politician ever to serve, the most influential President of the 19th century, and a truly gifted man with words.

3. John Nunes. 
Please don't think me cheesy for including this man in a list that is full of famous men. But in regards to how I think of him, how I wish to emulate him, he certainly is deserving. The man was good, he was kind, he was thoughtful. He looked after every child in his presence, and treated each of them with respect. When hundreds, probably more, show up to honor a man, and when poor college students take the train for hours on end to do so, (not me) he is special.
I hope to be a father like he was, a husband like he was, a man like he was, and a human like he was.

4. Mohandas Ghandi.
What more is there to say that hasn't already been said? Next.

5. Chris McCandless.
He might have had a mental problem, I don't know. But he was able to connect with people, and matter to them. I hope to be able to do that as well. 

ANYway, talk to you later.


Music of the Week: A Little Late

Ok, I'm working on catching up the blog, and here is an update to the first series of the blog that caught some traction, a weekly music update.

1. Spaceman by The Killers
Ten days later, and this song remains at the top. Now if Bumula would just send me the whole CD. ugh.
2. Clark Gable by The Postal Service
Whenever the day where I make a movie (even a short one) comes, I'm sure this song will find itself in it.
Thank you Noisetrade for hooking me up with this song...as I enter my second week of re-booting this series with newer and less known stuff.
4. Daniel's Song by The Finches
But while I was home, this inevitably came on, and its still a coooool song.
5. Sound of Silence by Simon and Garfunkel
6. Your Heart is an Empty Room by Death Cab for Cutie
7. Heaven by Daniel Bashta
Another new artist courtesy of noisetrade.
There first cd I downloaded for free...its not that great. But their second one is coming out in a few days...and the previews they have on their site seem a lot better. This I feel is prolly the best of the bunch.
9. Be Still My Heart by The Postal Service
I wish they would come out with another damn cd.
10. Do You Remember by Jack Johnson
haha...still a joyful song.
11. Summer of '69 by Bryan Adams. 
Lets be honest---this is a goofy and ridiculous song...but whatevs. It reminds me of the '90s. I don't know why, I just have an image in my head of what it was like to go to Alhambra in '95...and this song fits...I guess. Haha.

Lets play catch up

Whew. I am quite sorry for anyone who has checked out my blog in the past 10 days...and then didn't see anything new. I was on spring break, without a stable internet connection...and now I am finally back in Davis.

So. Lets make up for it. Right now.

Ok. First. So, because I am very very pissed at AT&T, Cingular, whatever you want to call it, I moved over to my dad's plan at T-Mobile, and got a sweet new phone. People, the G-1 is pretty freakin' sweeeeeeet. It is touch screen, I have unlimited text, great reception, sweet ringtones, sweet downloadable apps, and internet access. 

I swung by American Apparel to pick up some more sweet knee high socks . (now I have them in Heather Grey and Navy Cappuccino)

I listened to A LOT of 80's music provided to me by my RA (more on that in my music of the week)

I saw The International with Clive Owen, and haven't been as impressed with an espionage movie since the Bourne Trilogy a few years back. 

I went to shotgun at SF State, compliments of the theater department. Which was quite a lot of fun. 

I...LIMEWIRED. Thank god. I seriously needed some free music. So I hacked into my neighbor's wi-fi again and nabbed some tunes. 

I got a B in Poly Sci, (which was a super hard class, just fyi, because we all know how I rock at poly sci) a B in Psych, and a B+ in film...so that was ok. 

I played Tennis for the first time in EVER. 

And I found a cool new website, NoiseTrade.com, where you can get and download some cool music. 

And, most importantly, I saw friends. Because those are the most important objects in a human's life. My roommate has this piece of wood with a John Steinbeck quote carved into it..."When a man comes to die, if he dies unloved he can consider his life a failure."
-Very true.

And I will have my music of the week up within the next few hours or so. Check Back. And, seriously people, lets pass this blog on to others that might enjoy it. ANYway, laters. (Also, feedback would be wonderful...what topics might be interesting to cover, should I do a weekly video blog, etc...)


Music of the Week: ...Recent enough?

Hello everyone, it is friday afternoon, and I'm done with finals and at my dad's house in berkeley.
So here it is, the music of the week. Hopefully certain people will find this more up to snuff...but the point of this isn't to talk about 'AWESOME NEW MUSIC' but rather to talk about....good.... music. 

1. Spaceman by the Killers
And we'll start of this...re-boot...of sorts...with a totally new song. Check, check, check it outtt.
2. Clark Gable by The Postal Service
I feel like perhaps a slower remix of this belongs in a movie. 
3. Jezebel by Iron and Wine
Thank you EVA RENDLE. Seriously, the Eva's (Loney and Rendle) are definitely dominating in terms of being mentioned because they suggested a super awesome song. C'mon guys, someone catch up. 
4. Taylor by Jack Johnson
Oh, JJ. His most recent CD really lacked that defining song that you could just play anytime and be happy. It was missing a Taylor, Flake, Bubble Toes, Sitting Waiting Wishing...etc.
5. O L A by the Finches
I couldn't find a link, unfortunately. But, seriously...I keep mentioning the Finches...hint hint. 
6. Viva la Vida by Coldplay
Could have made a better music video. Maybe I'll write a blog about the actual song.
7. A Poem on the Underground Wall by Simon and Garfunkel
Just deal with the fact that I am going to mention great S&G songs in here. Next.
8. Society by Eddie Vedder
Thank you Pearl Jam man who was recruited by Sean Penn to do the music for Into the Wild. 
9. Grapevine Fires by Death Cab for Cutie
Its making a comeback after getting dropped last week.
10. Title and Registration by Death Cab for Cutie
A little older yes, but still a goodie. This is just a satisfying song for me. 
11. Ain't No Reason by Brett Dennen
Tell me it wasn't once again Rendle who got me into this...pleaseeeee!! But whoever did, he's got a few quite solid songs. They grow on you, just don't overdo them.
And, again!!!! Eva Loney hooks me up with my Neutral Milk Hotel wayyyy back in September and...as sexy phil would say...'I lovvveee itttt.' 

ANYway....I'm off to Zacharys Pizza on College and I don't know what I'll do from there. And tmrw its back to the 'nez. So I will talk to you all tomorrow. Good night, and good luck. 


Entertainment, Weekly: Youtube and the Small Screen

So, sorry that I haven't posted in a few days...but finals have been kicking my ass in terms of studying and what not. But, thankfully, they will be done within 40 hours or...so thats good.

Anyway, today I'll talk about last week's ER, monday's 24, monday's How I Met Your Mother, and youtube's Sexy Phil...

Ok. A quick rundown for everybody. Last thursday, ER was crazyyyyyyyyy. Cause Mr. George Clooney came back as Dr. Doug Ross (always thought that was a stupid name). Also, Julianna Margulies came back as Clooney's lover-girl Carol Hathaway. They are both working in Seattle.

Anyway, I thought the episode was very well done. I mean, there are only now three episodes left, so there is only so much that can be done with a new story arc...but it was great to see Ross and Hathaway happy. I do hope that they come back for another episode. Because while I admire that the show didn't get all mushy in the bringing them back, they do at least need to be back for more than an episode, cause otherwise whats the point? A little mush wouldn't kill ER. It has been soapy enough the past few years, with characters no-one gives a damn about...so lets have some drama with the old vets. 

And Carter will live! Hopefully, thankfully. That is good, because it would have been a terrible move killing him. But I want him to find someone. Like, seriously. It doesn't have to be Kem, (Thandie Newton) but Carter does deserve love. And I'd like to see Luka and Abbey come back one more time, and especially to see them with either Carter, OR Doug and Carol.

Ok. 24. Oh, snap! Again, this season has been solid...as I've talked about. Jack goes off rogue so much that a lot of times recently it has been very susceptible for this plot to become cheesy. But, with how last week they had Quinn frame Jack, and now Jack HAVE to be out on the run, its been a lot cleaner. Renee is just getting cuter and cuter, I'll give her that. But Olivia is annoying the shit out of me. I just want to slap her stupid face. And, please, can we have CHLOE back already. Jesus. She is supposed to be the main woman for gods sake, and Tony...where is he? Lets have some goddamn reunions already, with the good old crew.

Ok, How I Met Your Mother is enjoyable for two reasons. First, Ted is awesome. Second, Barney is incredibly hilarious and absurdly awesome. 
I have actually wanted to dedicate an entire post about the politics of HIMYM, so I want delve too deeply into that right now...but seriously, the producers of this show should be slapped for how they have developed certain characters (more on that at another time). Anyway, can we please have Ted dating someone again. C'mon, this is supposed to be what the show is about. I don't want to see Barney pining for Robin. Barney needs to be out there seducing women, its what his character is. I want more "Suit Up"s, and "Legen---wait for it---daryyyyy"ssss. Anyway.

And last, youtube's sexyphil is just bleeping hilarious. The man is legit funny. Tomorrow I'll post a couple of my favorite links...but you should all really check him out. 


On the Road to October: Giant Problems

So yes, among many other things, some people would consider me knowledgeable in the realm of Major League Baseball, and thus we'll today breakdown the 2009 San Francisco Giants...

2008 result: 72-90, 4th place
2009 outlook: What the hell is Brian Sabean still doing with a job? That is the question I want people to think about. For god sake, the man is an idiot. And yet, somehow, the Giants aren't the worst team in baseball.

 So here is what 2009 looks like. They have a very solid rotation, fronted by the best trio of young hurlers in the National League. They have Randy Johnson to provide another solid campaign. And they have Barry Zito, the most overpaid player in Baseball history. 

And they still don't have an offense. Yes, Renteria was overpaid, and he is not a godsend, but at least he's an upgrade at shortstop. But they continue to be plagued by horrendous deals. Fred Lewis could play center, as could Randy Winn, but instead we get 4 more years and 48 more million dollars of Aaron Rowand. What the hell was Sabean thinking when he signed that deal?

Basically, here is the deal. Rowand isn't going anywhere, and Lewis shouldn't be going anywhere, but Randy Winn certainly does have some value to a team that needs a center fielder...(Yankees, anyone?) I don't understand why the Giants didn't spend some money and sign a guy like..idk...Pat Burrell? Bobby Abreu? Adam Dunn? They play a corner, and they can hit.

Then we move to the infield. So, I would love this little chubby kid Sandoval to make it behind the plate, that would allow Sabean to deal Molina to a team that DESPERATELY needs a catcher (cough, Red Sox, cough, Yankees!). But, assuming that isn't an option, at least fill the other corner infield spot with, wait for it, someone who hits enough to warrant it. (That person is NOT Rich Aurilia). Again, why wouldn't Sabean sign someone like Joe Crede (who signed with the Twins) and let Sandoval play first? Or, again, sign Adam Dunn at what, 2 years and 25 million and let him play first, and have Sandoval handle the hot corner. I don't understand. Sabean has obviously felt comfortable handing out contracts that DETRACT from the quality of his ball club, but when he has chances to make deals that WILL help the club, at non-outrageous prices, he should be slapped for doing nothing. 

He did work to quietly strengthen the bullpen, bringing in Bob Howry and lefty Affeldt. And added to the homegrown options, Romo, Sadler, Brian Wilson, Taschner, its not an awful group. Noah Lowry would further add both rotation and bullpen insurance, if he's healthy. 

But right now, this team is not good enough to win. This team isn't even good enough for second place. Lincecum, Cain, Sanchez, and Johnson can only carry this squad so far. And while I am excited to see Top, Top, TOP, prospect Madison Bumgarner and Buster Posey arrive in SF in the near future, they still need some seasoning. 

So, his options are...
1) Let the team ride as is...and finish third or fourth. 
2) Bankrupt the farm system again by trading youth for marginal major leaguers (NOT AN OPTION)
3) look to upgrade the infield and bullpen through thriftiness. Keith Foulke is still available, and 1B Nick Johnson could probably be had for a solid price from the Nats. Check out Melvin Mora, or Mike Lowell. But be safe. DO NOT damage the future of the club to MAYBE compete for the division this year. 

If only Billy Beane worked on the other side of the bay...


Music of the Week: Thrice completed

The third installment of my "Music of the Week."
Tonight is our all-night Dodgeball tourney---wish Sereno luck.
Also, next week=finals=fml

So, here are my top 11 songs of the week.

1. Clark Gable by The Postal Service
Totally excellent song. Classic is a good word to describe it. 

2. Chicago by Sufjan Stevens
The song that I haven't stopped listening to the last three days. 

3. Mrs. Robinson by Simon and Garfunkel
'Joltin Joe has gone away.' Pick up The Graduate and watch it.

4. Your Heart is an Empty Room by Death Cab for Cutie
Still good.

5. Sitting, Waiting, Wishing by Jack Johnson
GREAT GREAT great music video. And just a very classic JJ song. 

6. I will Follow You into the Dark by Death Cab for Cutie
For all you lovers out there. 

7. Step Outside by The Finches
The Finches are the FUTURE. Eva Loney you save my life thank you for showing me this. 

8. Clocks by Coldplay
Pandora hit this up for me this week, and I remembered my Coldplay. 

9. Sodom, South Georgia by Iron and Wine
Matt...you should like this song. But its ok. 

10. Pressed in a Book by The Shins
The Shinssssssssss=good shitttt. 

11. Kids by MGMT
American Teen (which I saw with Kayla, so blame her) had this song. So...that is how I was exposed to it. 

Off to the dodgeball tourney-Sooo...have a good night all. I've got games at 8:20 pm, 1:15 am, and 6:45 am...so I'll be pulling an all-nighter. Maybe I'll post something later. 


The Cycling Town: Dead Day, Dorm Life, and Film Roots

So, Winter Quarter of my first year in college is coming to a conclusion. 

Well, April Andrade, you were right. Winter Quarter is stressful, cold, boring, and...cold.

Finals are next week (thank god) and as usual, the campus is prepping for it. One thing that really pisses me off about finals this quarter is that we don't have a dead day in-between the last day of class and finals. 

We have class Monday, and then we jump right into Tuesday finals. And that last day of class Monday certainly doesn't count as a "dead day."

Monday, I have a fatty film paper due that I am...uh...sort of starting tonight. And also Monday, I have my final Psychology 1 MIDTERM. So I take one Psych test Monday, and another one three days later. What up?

In other news...I've had some discussions recently regarding Sereno, and Regan Hall as a whole. I'm happy where I live, but some of the ideas I had about Regan have changed a lot since I've been a resident here. 
Regan Hall is a little collection of seven small buildings. I live in Sereno, the closest to campus one of these buildings. My dorm has 63 people. My brother Matt was an RA in nearby Talara, (and when I mean nearby, I mean next to) and our friend Jamie was Matt's resident. 
(In Claire's room :> )
Then last year, I came up and stayed in Sereno with April, (who I barely knew, bless her. lol) and loved it. What I found appealing about Regan was that it was its own little entity, its own little community. It seemed to be the Washington D.C. of Davis dorms. 
(Above is Mitzi's super awesome mural)

Unfortunately, Regan Hall isn't really its own little community. I mean we are, but we aren't at the same time. There isn't any true connectivity between dorms. I think it would be a great atmosphere if these small little communities were connected into a larger community. There is the potential for that. Regan really is a subset of Segundo (non Davis kids, sorry...)

So...they should make it happen. Have Regan Main be a place to get food, hang out. Have more events that people actually go to. Make it, as Barney Stinson would say, Awesome.

And last point...we'll make this short. I just checked out 49er video to rent a movie for my film class. It got great reviews on Daviswiki and I have to say, it is an awesome little movie store. I wish there were more of these around. Independently owned and run....they certainly know their movies. They are willing to actually...wait for it...negotiate. AND...they have a tremendous collection of movies, tv shows, and documentaries. 

ANYway, have a good night team.

I'll talk to you all tomorrow. 


The Weekly Wrap: Proposition 8

A few days ago, the California Supreme Court heard arguments on whether or not Proposition 8 should be invalidated, or allowed to stand. 
What it really comes down to is whether or not the Court believes that Proposition constitutes an amendment or a revision to the California constitution. At least that is what I'm getting from it. I suppose if they agree that it was an amendment, the Proposition will remain. If they decide that it is revision to the equal protection clause in the constitution, I'm assuming it will be invalidated. 

This picture below made it to the New York Times website (my friend Kate Lewis is in the middle with her "Love and Let Love" sign. 
Of course I want Prop 8 to be invalidated, but one thing I am worried about is what happens if that occurs. Most (ok, all) of you know that I have been outspokenly pissed off and irate at 52% of California. I don't think proponents of equality were angry enough. We needed to be tougher than we were, stronger than we were. 
And I have gotten plenty of flak for my unabashedly liberal stance. 

I don't understand how people can still get away with holding up signs like the one below outside the courthouse in San Francisco. 

I don't understand how people can get away with their justifications for bigotry and homophobia. 

We should have just won outright in November, and this whole thing would have been easier. I agree that 50% + 1 should NOT be enough to change the constitution so drastically. I'm just not sure that a court battle gives us the best ammunition for future conflicts. 


Music of the Week: The Second Go-Around

So, here is week two of my top music. I've upped my number of songs this week from 6 to 10. While compiling this list, I realized that I really change what I listen to from week to week. Certain songs and moods just make more sense for me I guess, depending on what is going on in my life.

1. Your Heart is an Empty Room by Death Cab for Cutie
Couldn't find a good link, but seriously, get the song. Interestingly enough, it was around this time last year that I was turned on to Death Cab for Cutie. And it was this song that did it...at the end of the pilot of "New Amsterdam," and it was so, so, so awesome, that I just had to find the song, and the band. 

2. Casimir Pulasky Day by Sufjan Stevens
Moves up a spot. Stevens may be uber religous, but he is also uber talented.

3. Sodom, South Georgia by Iron and Wine
Falls a little bit, but oh well. Still a great, touching song.

4. America by Simon and Garfunkel
Not the best link, but still, great song. Anne Litak's comments today about this song made me put it into the list. I grew up with S&G (thanks Dad), so there needs to be something from that era in here. 

5. Holland, 1945 by Neutral Milk Hotel
Thanks Eva Loney for giving me this shit back in September. Great song, great band, sad album theme.

6. Daniel's Song by the Finches
I'm telling you, the Finches are the future.

7. Clark Gable by The Postal Service
Thank you Mr. Ben Gibbard. I think the first line is just so awesome, it always reminds me of my time in London. 

8. Angel by Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson,...is still my favorite musician, as you all probably well know. 

9. Viva la Vida by Coldplay
I was going to end at 8 songs for the week, but with the warm weather, Viva la Vida just fit. 

10. Nightingale by Norah Jones
Yes, I listen to Norah Jones. Deal with it. This is a beautiful song, and she is great on the piano with a wonderful voice. And yes, I saw her live. 

Have a good weekend team, I'll have some more thoughts up tomorrow. 


The Showdown, Part 2

You, quite simply, have got to be kidding me.

This happens a lot. 
Two teams compete in a high stakes Mock Trial competition, usually being the County Finals.

One team, we'll call them..."Us"...is from a small, middle-class town. They send, oh, maybe 35 students to a four year school every year. This team is made up of kids from all different cliques, and all different ethnicities. They come from a town of teachers, construction workers, and bank managers. They are coached by a brilliant lawyer, one who chooses to make an impact on the lives of young people. They are taught the law, rigorously, and reminded that even though they may be made to feel out of place in a courtroom by more affluent teams, they belong there all the same. 

The other team, we'll call them..."Them"...is from an average sized, upper-class town. They send 35 students to UC San Diego every year, and, oh, maybe 300 students to a four year school every year. These students don't have to worry about money...they are set. They come from a town of lawyers, firefighters, and...lawyers. They are advised by lawyers, teachers, and acting coaches. They are taught the law, somewhat rigorously, but focus more on acting and convincing the scoring attorneys that they look like they know what they are talking about, rather than actually knowing what they are talking about. They are condescending to just about everyone, especially the upstart teams from less affluent communities that they find themselves competing against for the County Title. 

In effect, it is David vs. Goliath. And guess what, year after year, after year...Goliath wins. How about David wins once in a while? How about the scoring attorneys listen to the content of what is being spoken, rather than simply how it is being spoken? Yes, "Us" is intimidated by "Them," but they know the law, and they perform admirably every year. This is not an acting competition, rather, it is a competition of the law.

And, regarding the law, the former deserves the victory. 

A Resolution for Change: Rush Limbaugh

So, I only have a second...so I'll get more into my first political post later...but I just wanted to make a quick few comments.

I read a great article on one of my favorite blogs, fivethirtyeight.com.
The blog is written by Nate Silver, a co-writer of another of my favorite websites, baseballprospectus.com.

Anyway, the post just had a few great points about Limbaugh that I'd like to bring up. 
First, the White House isn't scared of him. The Obama administration does not believe that talking about Limbaugh suddenly makes him a legitimate source for the American people. They're right.
Second, the White House is not afraid to bitch slap Limbaugh around. If anything, they are talking about Limbaugh because they want access to the crap he is currently spewing.
Take this quote from the post about CoS Rahm Emanuel. 

"Sunday, Obama Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel somberly 'complimented' Limbaugh's intellectual honesty in wanting Obama to fail: 'He's the voice and the intellectual force and energy behind the Republican Party, and he has been upfront about what he views, and hasn't stepped back from that, which is he hopes for failure.' The White House doesn't want to miss a layup."

In short, Obama is putting Rush Limbaugh into the limelight as their most vocal and most serious opponent because they know he is losing relevance. The administration is making Limbaugh the face of the Republican party, which is exactly the right move. Emanuel is able to tell the American people that Limbaugh is the intellectual force of the REPUBLICAN PARTY...and he wants Obama to fail. In short, the REPUBLICAN PARTY wants Obama to fail. 

And the White House lays in an easy two points. 

And finally, this other quote, just for fun.

"Most significantly, the Obama brand and Limbaugh brand are in direct opposition. Obama's brand is about intellectual curiosity, empathy, personal respect for his ideological counterparts, and problem-solving. Limbaugh plays "Barack the Magic Nergro" on his show and makes fun of Michael J. Fox' Parkinson's disease."

And isn't this so true? I mean, yes, I will be honest and agree that I could show more respect for my ideological counterparts. But I do believe that the other three qualities would apply to me. 

Anyway, yes, Obama shouldn't back away from Limbaugh. He is a big bag of wind who makes fun of Michael J. Fox' degenerative disease. Are you fucking serious? 

Put him front and center. Let him call out Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins, and yell for a 'purging' of the Republican party of non-conservatives. The Republican party will be a pathetic sectional party. Works for me.



Entertainment, Weekly: The Small Screen

24: Oh Snap.

2 hours of 24 is about an hour too much to handle.  
The plot threads are developing so nicely. Renee is a bad ass. Chloe is a sarcastic bad ass. And Jack is a mother-fucking bad ass. 

AND. Aaron is a super awesome bad ass. 

There are a few other comments I have, however.

First. I guess this is just about the overall plot in general. The reason we fell in love with 24 in the first place was because it was personal. We cared about David Palmer, about Kim, about Tony, about Nina, and about Jack. Here, we have the potential to do the same. We have Jack, Renee, Aaron, Bill, Chloe, Tony. But instead they insist on these crazy plots that seem to just 'raise the stakes' as high as they can possibly go. 

Last year, a bunch of Chinese henchman break into CTU. And Jack fights them off. 
This year, a bunch of Africans break into the White House. (first, guess what, thats impossible!)
And next episode Jack is going to fight them off.

It gets a little ridiculous and simplistic, and the only reason a lot of people keep watching this show is because A) They are too simplistic and stupid to understand anything more complex OR
B) Because they have invested with the characters and are willing to live with the plot injustices.
(BTW, I'm the latter) 

This season was supposed to be a reboot of the series, after an awful Season 6. And to a point, it has. But, it still is lacking those individual threads that made Season 1 great. The first season wove in each character's plot masterfully, and then tied them together when appropriate. Now, and for the past few seasons, (with a few exceptions-Season 5) the plot has lived episode to episode (or, "Within the hour"). 

Finally, for a quick second point. Why did we bring back Tony in the first place? First, it was kind of a stupid explanation and obvious plot hole...but we were willing to forgive it because it brought us back Jack's best friend and most loyal companion. Instead, Tony has got a soul patch and buzz cut, is uber angry all the time, and has missed 25% of the episodes. 

What was the point of this? To get Jack out of the Senate hearing, and thats it? Gimme a break. 

He should have stayed dead for all the good the writers are putting him to.

The Cycling Town

Regan Idol:

So tonight, a good...20-25 people showed up in Regan Main to rock out and share some music. According to Alex, however, that number should be around 15-20, because apparently RAs do not count as attendees. (though seriously, Spencer and Daniel and Lauren were awesome).
Anyway, regardless...the showing was...not the best. (We should have sent Danielle to go bitch slap some people :P ) But whatever. Sereno certainly made up a solid plurality of spectators, and for that I am proud. We also made up the vast majority of performers.

Michael and Lauren rocked out to 'Love Song,' (as shown above) and then Alex and Alex knocked out a nice little on the spot piece of music.

Then the Serenagades bent some knees and broke some hearts with "Earth Angel."

And...J.R. told us about how he needed some sexual healing. Which we all certainly took to heart.
Why don't more people show up for these things? Seriously...its Sunday night, its raining. You have nothing going on. Get your ass over and interact. Is this not why you came to college?

I suppose I'm just a little bitter. Honestly, our RAs do a lot of work, and we have a lot of opportunities to do fun things. In high school we would have killed for these kinds of events. We had Backroads night, and...shit...that was kind of it. Help anyone? 

ANYway. Have a good night team. This week, more music, sports, and....(wait for it)...politics.