
A New Birth of Freedom

Well. I'm not even sure where or how to begin this.

A few things have happened recently regarding gays that I want to talk about.

First. This whole "A Storm is Gathering" nonsense actually makes me laugh. I mean, seriously...'a rainbow coalition of people of every creed and color are coming together in love?"

I mean, its ridiculous. The only message it serves is that "homophobic activism is ever more depopulated and isolated as well as brain dead." (Plus, its totally racist...I love that the hispanic man can barely say his four english words...and they get away with this.)

It just is stupid and disgusting to see people like this. In four states we now have equal rights for gays, and the homophobia is going to mount. I don't understand how people can get away with this. When you see these people, you need to stand up to them. Be gentle if possible...but if they are obnoxious and hateful, well, then stand up and verbally kick the shit out of them. People like Dr. Laura cannot call homosexuality a "biological error" and get away with it. (Even if now she has "improved.") 
Be more intelligent, be more articulate, and be tougher than them. 
On picnic day I had a conversation with a UC Davis third year about her opposition to gay marriage. She said it whittled down to...wait for it...the bible. She couldn't get over a point I was making that the church and religion should have nothing to do with these decisions. "We cannot be run by the Christian bible."
But, she responded, "We're a Christian nation."
"But we don't have a national religion. No religion can impose its values on others."
But, she responded, "We're a Christian nation."

The argument ended up about women's roles. I told her that she is telling gay people that their relationships, and their lives, matter less than heterosexual's. "Traditional marriage" does not exist anymore. Traditional marriage consists of whites marrying whites, and women acting as slaves for their husbands. 

She then said that her future husband, and all husbands, should have the final say in decisions. Her opinion was not as important as his.
At that point, I simply turned and walked away. Here it was, where a WOMAN was arguing that men should be in control..and a MAN was arguing that, maybe, just maybe, women were not subject to their husbands.

You cannot reason with that. 

I've been told off, and criticized harshly for responding very bluntly to prop 8...a vote that I simply consider to be one made in favor of homophobia. 

I'm sorry, but you don't win by backing down. It has been asserted that "being kind, and gentle with the opposition will bring them over to our side." 

No. Sorry, but no. I'm not going to convince the right-wing homophobes to change position. But by being tough and forceful we can swing the middle...and thats how we win.

So. For fun, call or mail the National Organization for Marriage at (609) 688-0450 or send mail to the

National Organization for Marriage
20 Nassau Street, Suite 242
Princeton, NJ 08542

And tell them how you feel about them. 


Alyssa said...

Wow, people can just be so closed-minded sometimes. I thought that Prop 8 would never have been able to pass here in California, one of the most forward-thinking states in America. Just shows me that we took the fact that we live in CA for granted- I certainly did, and I didn't fight hard enough. And it amazes me that a college-educated woman can still propagate those patriarchal, antiquated values. It just makes me sick.

By the way, this is Hannah's friend Alyssa, so you don't have to worry that some random person is commenting on your blog =]

Bethany said...

All I have to say is....one day these people will look back at their discriminatory actions and realize that they have been nothing but the exact opposite of what the Bible tells us to be.

Cyclingteacherguy said...

Great post Bren, fight on!

Anonymous said...

Since I'm almost positive that girl got these beliefs from her parents (a common occurrence at saint mary's) I genuinely feel sorry for her mother. Her mother has lived her entire life with the understanding that she can not make a decision against her husband? I hope he didn't abuse her or force her to have more kids than she wanted or to move somewhere she didn't want to.... etc. I know there are many more things wrong with this confused girl's beliefs, but I just wanted to point out the sad life of her mother.
And if Beth had not already written what she wrote, I probably would have written the exact same thing.

Anonymous said...

It's amazing to think that a woman in this nation (the one you talked to) can actually have the gall to say that any decision should be made by the man in the household. Or at the very least the final say. I am a member of the Christian faith, and I will never succumb to the harshness of putting my religion on someone let alone let a man rule what should be shared equally. You make an amazing point that religion should not bind anyone that doesn't adhere to that specific faith, especially concerning the rights of American citizens, specifically on the topic of marriage. Keep it up lil Pickey :)