
A Resolution for Change: Rush Limbaugh

So, I only have a second...so I'll get more into my first political post later...but I just wanted to make a quick few comments.

I read a great article on one of my favorite blogs, fivethirtyeight.com.
The blog is written by Nate Silver, a co-writer of another of my favorite websites, baseballprospectus.com.

Anyway, the post just had a few great points about Limbaugh that I'd like to bring up. 
First, the White House isn't scared of him. The Obama administration does not believe that talking about Limbaugh suddenly makes him a legitimate source for the American people. They're right.
Second, the White House is not afraid to bitch slap Limbaugh around. If anything, they are talking about Limbaugh because they want access to the crap he is currently spewing.
Take this quote from the post about CoS Rahm Emanuel. 

"Sunday, Obama Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel somberly 'complimented' Limbaugh's intellectual honesty in wanting Obama to fail: 'He's the voice and the intellectual force and energy behind the Republican Party, and he has been upfront about what he views, and hasn't stepped back from that, which is he hopes for failure.' The White House doesn't want to miss a layup."

In short, Obama is putting Rush Limbaugh into the limelight as their most vocal and most serious opponent because they know he is losing relevance. The administration is making Limbaugh the face of the Republican party, which is exactly the right move. Emanuel is able to tell the American people that Limbaugh is the intellectual force of the REPUBLICAN PARTY...and he wants Obama to fail. In short, the REPUBLICAN PARTY wants Obama to fail. 

And the White House lays in an easy two points. 

And finally, this other quote, just for fun.

"Most significantly, the Obama brand and Limbaugh brand are in direct opposition. Obama's brand is about intellectual curiosity, empathy, personal respect for his ideological counterparts, and problem-solving. Limbaugh plays "Barack the Magic Nergro" on his show and makes fun of Michael J. Fox' Parkinson's disease."

And isn't this so true? I mean, yes, I will be honest and agree that I could show more respect for my ideological counterparts. But I do believe that the other three qualities would apply to me. 

Anyway, yes, Obama shouldn't back away from Limbaugh. He is a big bag of wind who makes fun of Michael J. Fox' degenerative disease. Are you fucking serious? 

Put him front and center. Let him call out Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins, and yell for a 'purging' of the Republican party of non-conservatives. The Republican party will be a pathetic sectional party. Works for me.



Cyclingteacherguy said...

Love it Bren, great post and links to the articles. Blog on!

Unknown said...

Couldn't agree more! Steele is feeding into everything too.