People say, 'well, there are conservative Democrats, and don't we need a broad and moderate coalition to attract voters? That is what these Congressman are doing.' I disagree. These congressman won elections in 2006 and 2008 as Democrats because those were RUNAWAY elections for the Democratic Party. We should not reward them with the Democratic nomination and Democratic label if they then hamstring the Democratic party at key times. The Democrats are trying to do something about American problems. The Democrats are trying to fix health care, and the environment. Republicans have nearly unanimously opposed all of these. The Democratic party should not be running candidates that claim to be Democrats to get elected, but then vote against every piece of crucial legislation.
I understand the argument that they are running in conservative districts, but again, I don't see this as an excuse. Many of these conservative districts would be the biggest beneficiaries of health care reform. In essence, these Democrats need to support a health care bill that would TRULY help their constituents, and then see that reflected in public opinion/support.
And I'll get to the Senate. And Benedict Joe.
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