Regan Idol:
So tonight, a good...20-25 people showed up in Regan Main to rock out and share some music. According to Alex, however, that number should be around 15-20, because apparently RAs do not count as attendees. (though seriously, Spencer and Daniel and Lauren were awesome).
Anyway, regardless...the showing was...not the best. (We should have sent Danielle to go bitch slap some people :P ) But whatever. Sereno certainly made up a solid plurality of spectators, and for that I am proud. We also made up the vast majority of performers.
Michael and Lauren rocked out to 'Love Song,' (as shown above) and then Alex and Alex knocked out a nice little on the spot piece of music.
Then the Serenagades bent some knees and broke some hearts with "Earth Angel."
And...J.R. told us about how he needed some sexual healing. Which we all certainly took to heart.
Why don't more people show up for these things? Seriously...its Sunday night, its raining. You have nothing going on. Get your ass over and interact. Is this not why you came to college?
I suppose I'm just a little bitter. Honestly, our RAs do a lot of work, and we have a lot of opportunities to do fun things. In high school we would have killed for these kinds of events. We had Backroads night, and...shit...that was kind of it. Help anyone?
ANYway. Have a good night team. This week, more music, sports, and....(wait for it)...politics.
I TOTALLY AGREE with the comment about showing up to these events (if you're able). Even if you aren't interested in the event itself, a lot of time and effort is put into these events and just showing up to show the RA's your support is awesome.
I wish I could of made it =P Being back home was good though. Maybe Sereno can throw a jam sesh on their own so we all can see the talent =)
ahhh chan...thankyou sir.
Yo Bren, what song did you sing, I want to hear that!
we sang earth angel..but we didn't record it.
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